Blog 1


Unbox Insights

5 Reasons You Need a Brand Consultancy Service

5 Reasons You Need a Brand Consultancy Service

“Every interaction, in any form, is branding.”~ Seth Godin A lot of work goes into bringing a brand to life in each step you take, in every word you say, and in  everything you do. You first draw a rough picture of what your brand will be and how you want people...

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6 Brand Marketing Activities You Need To Know About!

6 Brand Marketing Activities You Need To Know About!

"Branding is the art of aligning." You need to align your values, the audiences' interests, brand's personality into messages. You need to align all the messages that will go out and all the channels you will use to spread them. That's what brand marketing is about -...

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5 Things Marketing Consulting Firms Help You Do

5 Things Marketing Consulting Firms Help You Do

The way markets behave, the emergence of new channels, how consumers buy and engage online, and their relationships with brands. Businesses have to know about each of these changes and figure out how they will affect them (in a good or a bad way), and how you can use...

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How to Pick the Right Co-Founder?

How to Pick the Right Co-Founder?

As a founder, you know what it means to have a co-founder by your side. If I put it in numbers, it's twice everything: twice the time given and efforts made for your business's growth twice the talent, twice the strength and twice the speed at which you can scale When...

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The next decade will usher in a renewed societal order

The next decade will usher in a renewed societal order

At the beginning of the year, I wanted to write a blog about what 2020 and the decade at large holds for us, but I was really overwhelmed with all the great articles that beat me to it. Now 3 months into the decade a lot has changed and I am sure we all are...

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Rugby and the Game of Life!

Rugby and the Game of Life!

On a recent flight I started watching a game of rugby and noticed many similarities to our professional lives. Hoping this will help you look at life with a new lens. Let me start by explaining the game of Rugby. I am sure there are many like me, who do not fully...

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Thank life and get into action!

Thank life and get into action!

I am at the Charles De Gaulle, Paris airport waiting to board a flight to Bristol, UK and I have 3 hrs to go. I am surrounded by the hustle bustle of life, like any other airport, but the difference is that I have time and I am not running to the gate (like I usually...

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Leadership: The power of Vertical Alignment

Leadership: The power of Vertical Alignment

Some time back I wrote a blog about the "Inner Values" and how it differentiates a leader from an outstanding leader. (link to the previous post). I got some great feedback about the post and I thank you all for the same. In the feedback some of you also...

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